Hello there! My name is Vadim, and I created this website for people like myself, who like upgrading their bikes or want to build a bike from scratch.
Do you want to build a weight weenies bike, a custom steel randonneur rig, a swift climber, or a vintage roadie?
Here you can find a wide range of road bike parts, grouped in categories, sorted by weight, manufacturer, and so on. More components are being added constantly. All to help you pick the best stuff for your next project.
Do you have a spare component in your closet? Please put it on scales and submit it along with its weight to our weight weenies listings. You don't have the component at hand but think it might be interesting for bike builders? Submit it with the weight specified by manufacturer. This will help people compare it against other similar components.
Together we can make these listings really exhaustive and useful for a lot of weight weenies and other bike enthusiasts around the world.
I have many more features in mind that would help you with your bike project even more. Of course, they all take time, but I’m trying my best to deliver them sooner rather than later. As far as this can be possible having a family, a full-time job, and trying to actually go out cycling once in a while. Just kidding, I don’t have time for cycling :-).
So come check the components in our listings, share yours, and if you have any suggestions, ideas for improvements, or want to report a problem, just drop a line.
Also, if you have any sort of data collection of bike parts (an Excel table, a Google sheet, or your own database), and you are willing to submit them to this website, contact me. It’s likely that we’ll be able to import the data in batches, in a faster, more convenient manner.
Vadim from BuildYourBike
There are some cool cycling-related websites doing a great job and I wanted to give kudos to them:
Check their bicycle tires reviews and cool stats they collect about tire weights, rolling resistance, and many more.
Probably the best weight-weenies website, with a forum and listings of bike components. I wish, they continued supporting the lists and the forum.